How Anyone Can Make a Sustainable Income Online By Learning The Most Important Skill In Business

Make Money Fast Without Having To Manage Employees Or Spending Months In The Trenches

This Is Sales Excellence Simplified

Why I Built This

Sales is the one aspect of a business that can never be replaced.

It's also the one skill that I neglected for so long and when I finally learned how to sell my business finally took off.

If you have been looking into appointment setting, or closing then the Playbook is perfect for you.

It's going to teach you everything you need to know from A-Z so you can succeed as a sales rep.

It's also going to make it so you never have to spend thousands of dollars on sales coaching ever again.

Now let me be clear.

I'm not doing this because i'm some vigilante or just want you to love me

I'm doing this to liquidate my ad costs, and teach sales so that you can make some money.

Once you make some money and learn sales you will be able to start a full service marketing and sales agency for info products.

The same guys that you are going to be setting and closing for have a lot more money to give you.

You just have to go earn it.

My goal with this is to show you how you can change your life by learning sales. How you can form a network of entrepreneurs in multiple different cities.

That way when it's time for you to become a full service info product agency you will know exactly what to do.

The Playbook is the best way for you to learn sales in a cost effective way.

If you are a setter looking to make your first bit of money, chances are you haven't actually gone through and made sure you are actually good at setting.

If you are a closer you probably haven't capped out yet and could gain tremendous value from learning how to properly stack offers.

If that's you, then The Playbook is built for you.

Everything You Get

1. 40+ Module Course ($2,000 Value)

2. Connection With Agencies Who Can Hire You

3. Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls ($1,000 Value)

4. Job Opportunities


  • Group of Likeminded Sales Reps

  • Discount to Join The Back Channel

Everything You Get

My Information Works

Sales Team Produced $251k in 1.5 months

Sales Team Generated $26.1k in 4 days

$132k in 1 month.

$40k launch.

Helped Wiley close his first $6,000 online.

Absolutely none of my results would be possible without the help of the sales reps that I trained and placed.

You can literally learn sales for $20 lol...